Sunday, August 19, 2007

I went away for a week to Grand Cayman Island. It rained the first couple of days when we got there. But we still did some snorkeling those first couple of days. When the weather cleared my daughters and myself got in a couple of days of Scuba Diving, the first dives for Isabelle my youngest since she finished her certification. Visibility under water is always great there, I would guess we could see about 80 feet and every where you look there is sea life.
The paintings below I managed to get in on a couple of mornings. I think the biggest problem I had was trying to find a shaded area long enough to finish painting. The sun is very strong and bright down there!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Did this one this morning. This is a maintenance

path and gate that runs on the side of my property.

That side is a run off canyon, we always see some sort of

wildlife over there, mostly deer, coyote, skunks and the

occasional Bobcat or Fox. It's pretty cool but it drives the

dog nuts.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Here's this weeks painting.
I did this today from the backyard.

Monday, July 2, 2007

I did this while I was waiting for my daughter to take one of her
first open water scuba dives.
This was in Laguna Beach early Sunday morning.

Another one at the Pasadena B&G club, this past Saturday 6/30.
I didn't get to finish.

This was done at the Pasadena Boys and Girls club while my daughter
was taking her Scuba lesson, a little over a week ago.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I did this during lunch this past Wednesday. It's been a long time since I've painted using Gouache. I was always frustrated by them, being too much of an oil guy. I hope to over come some of that frustration by taking time to do more of these lunch time sessions.